..my heart exploded into a million pieces tonight thank you explosions in the sky!! Such raw and emotional sounds of beauty ughhhhh.. I would love to experience it again a million times over if I could. A million apologies to young eddy, but taking Jon was just appropriate. Don't know many people who'd let me stand on their toes so I could get a better view. Plus if it weren't for Jon I never would have listen to them, he burned me all their cd's like 3 years ago, and if I didn't have them this past summer well ya know. Anyway you've got a reason so go ahead and hate me. Anyway I'm pooped my hand might say "party!" but I gotta get to sleep. I have a day at ambulatory surgery tomorrow gonna see blood and guts super excited.
pre explosions meal at Tommy's joint mmmm open faced meatball sammy with a juicy jalapeno so mexican of me.
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