
Connecting the Dots

Ok so this is way out there, but I have come to a hypothesis. I've linked together a book I recently read "A child called it" and a cult classic series I've been watching "Dark Shadows". The book is a true story about a boy from Daly City who was brutally abused by his drunken mother. In the book he mentions that she would sit on the couch and watch television and think of new ways to cause him pain. I'm wondering first of all why she would single out only one son to abuse when she had three to choose from and at that even kept having babies. So this is when i start to link the two. The abuse took place throughout the mid 60's and early 70's precisely the same time that Dark Shadows began to air on ABC. So here is my hypothesis, the crazy abusive mother targeted her son David because she was probably watching Dark Shadows and like everyone else disliked the little boy who was also named David he plays the role of a bratty kid who tried to kill his father during the first season. The kid in the TV series really is a pain in the butt. Not that I'm trying to justify the mothers abuse towards her son, but really crazy people should not drink and should not be allowed to have children or a television. the end.

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