
5/28 Rainbow cakes

Went to Renato's place in San Mateo for his b-day bbq on thursday. Lots of fun, yummy burgers made by ben of course. I thought the cake was soo cute with the huge candel and that rainbow! One of the highlights was ben getting whacked in the back by a bat during the pinata beating. Lol it was caught on camera. I was also able to catch up with Miss Karol with a K some girl talk is always needed.


Wana get a Pretzel?

No! Funny tip jar sign though too bad it's not true!

Memorial Day Chopping

yeeee! Finally went shopping today, its been soooo long. Still didnt buy any clothes... mostly accessories, like bags, shoes, sunglasses, gifts etc.

Congrats! Danielle

Yay party time!

Works show

Commissure played in San Jose. Good stuff. So so so excited for May 30th show at Balazo!


Day of Showers

Sunday was a day of showers, I had Kristin's Bridal Shower then Myriam's Baby Shower right after. Both of them were great! I had a blast meeting up with everyone. Elizabeth and I had so much catching up to do. We exchanged emials so hopefully we'll be able to k.i.t.


Dad came home with hella beer friday morning, and with the good weather on saturday, I decided a BBQ was the best way to enjoy it all, and with it being Carlos' b-day and all it turned out pretty fun! Longest sentance ever (hella fragments though)

Saturday Morning Lost & Found

Woke up super early Saturday morning.. went to Ben's to give him a ride to work. We passed up on having breakfast and decided to hang out in the parkinglot instead. 3min after chilling there we get a call from Alex saying he just woke up at Celia's parking lot asking wtf happened last night. lol. Fucken alex. Apperently he got super drunk Friday night threw up all over his truck and passed out. What a sad sad story.


Might as well..

Bored as hell at work. Looking for something to do I opened up my planner and found a flyer for Commissure's next show. Decided I'd help them promote. So I made a couple copies and will drop em where muchachas go.


"It didn't record??"

So we were at the studio last night and ben was showing Gonz a song he had started a long time ago and began to play it. They got it down pretty fast and Ben gives me his phone so I could record it.. well I'm not sure wtf happened cus I didnt record a single thing!


Went to Retox lounge with Sandy Friday night to see Commissure. Danielle L. and Ketan showed up as well to check em out for the first time. It was a fun nifght. Rich K. even tried getting a lil fresh with Sandy lol.


Cinco de mayo

Yes, yes so I'm mexican and decided why not celebrate this year.. So I got ready and rocked the most mexican looking top I could find. Picked up Jander and headed to Celia's where I met with some of the girls, Danielle D., Amber D. and Danielle L. Had some beers and appetizers. There was such a huge ridiculously large crowd. The warm musty air full of Mexican male testosterone was thick, the bar was no, no. So we grabbed a table and ordered us some beers minus the wait at the bar. All in all a pretty nice night. We left just in time too, cus as we were walking out, about 20 cops came walking in.



5 min after getting home from Tracy I got picked up by Gonz. Commissure had just spent the day recording and they were headed out to see Room for a Ghost on Broadway in S.F. So I joined them we got there via Carlos and Kelly came too. We had some time to kill and went to this bar the Church Key and hung out till the show started. Also saw hella cars getting towed and asked Carlos some retarded questions about skating stairs, and rails.



Went to Tracy Saturday for for Lisetts 1st Communion, it was cool seeing family. The little girls and their friends put on a performance some Hannah Montana tweeny bopper stuff, pretty lame but they were sooooo cute! Andrew and I got a little bored and took a couple walks, down a couple blocks.. staight booneys out there. Food was good as always catered by my aunt.